
April 12, 2023

Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. fait l’acquisition d’Effigis

Peachtree City, GA et Montréal, Canada, 12 avril 2023 - Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. (« Osmose »), le principal fournisseur de services essentiels d’inspection, de maintenance et de restauration pour les infrastructures de services publics et de télécommunications aux États-Unis, annonce aujourd’hui l’acquisition de la division Géospatial et gestion d’actifs de la firme Effigis Géo-Solutions (« Effigis »), un chef de file dans la collecte et la gestion d’information géospatiale desservant plusieurs entreprises majeures de services publics et de télécommunications au Canada. Effigis était une division de Cansel, le plus grand distributeur canadien d’équipement géospatial, qui conservera les divisions Observation de la Terre et Produits d’Effigis (CPAT Flex et OnPOZ). La fusion d’Osmose et d’Effigis crée un ensemble de solutions et services complet, axé sur les données, qui assure la résilience et la fiabilité des infrastructures critiques appartenant aux services publics et aux télécommunications sur le marché canadien.

Fondée en 1991, Effigis offre une vaste sélection d’outils de collecte de données géospatiales pour fournir des services allant de l’analyse d’images satellitaires au développement de solutions personnalisées pour la cartographie du territoire, la collecte d’informations sur le terrain, la gestion des actifs et la surveillance des réseaux câblés. En associant l’inspection des actifs des services publics axée sur les données, l’analyse structurelle et les capacités de restauration des réseaux à celles d’Effigis, les fournisseurs canadiens de services publics et de télécommunications peuvent bénéficier d’un niveau de soutien supérieur en matière de fiabilité et de sécurité des infrastructures.

Mike Adams, le PDG d’Osmose, a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis de cette association avec Effigis. Son expertise dans le déploiement d’équipes spécialisées et des technologies pour mieux évaluer et gérer l’état des réseaux s’accorde parfaitement avec notre approche de service basée sur la technologie et l’analyse pour la gestion des actifs des services publics. La direction d’Effigis partage notre engagement envers un service, une qualité et une sécurité inégalés, de même qu’à renforcer les structures qui alimentent et connectent nos communautés. »

« Nous avons accéléré l’expansion d’Osmose au Canada en 2020 avec l’acquisition de

Provincial Pole Specialists, Inc. (PPSI) et sa société sœur Central Pole Inspection and Maintenance, Inc. (CPIM) – en devenant ensemble, un important fournisseur de maintenance de poteaux électriques au Canada. La présence d’Effigis au Québec, en Colombie-Britannique et en Ontario, de même que dans d’autres marchés, nous permet d’étendre notre empreinte et la portée de nos services à travers le pays, » ajoute Adams. « Grâce à des clients comme Hydro-Quebec, Bell Canada, Telus, Vidéotron, Fortis et Teck, Effigis jouit d’une excellente réputation qui consolidera davantage la position de tête d’Osmose. »

« Nous avons hâte de tirer profit de la marque Osmose, de son expérience opérationnelle de longue date, de ses services comme la restauration de poteaux, du stockage de données massives du secteur et de ses outils d’évaluation et d’analyse novateurs pour fournir à nos clients la solution de gestion d’actifs la plus complète qui soit» a déclaré Claude Levasseur, vice-président principal - Géospatial et gestion d’actifs chez Effigis. « Ensemble, nous allons accélérer la croissance et stimuler la résilience et la performance structurelles de l’infrastructure des services publics du Canada. »

« Grâce à son acquisition d’Effigis, Osmose se dote d’une expertise géospatiale inégalée de plus de trente ans et de compétences reconnues en gestion d’actifs. Pour les membres de l’équipe d’Effigis, Osmose offre un vecteur fiable et puissant de croissance et de nouvelles possibilités. Il s’agit réellement d’une association formidable, » dit Martin Trudelle, président de Cansel. « Entre-temps, les divisions Observation de la Terre et Produits d’Effigis continueront à faire partie intégrante des activités plus larges de Cansel »

Effigis conservera son siège canadien à Montréal, ainsi que ses opérations en Colombie-Britannique, et deviendra un élément clé de la filiale canadienne d’Osmose.

À propos d’Osmose Utilities Services, Inc.

Fondée en 1934, Osmose est le principal fournisseur de services essentiels d’inspection, de tests de tension des contacts mobiles, de maintenance et de restauration pour les services publics de transmission électrique, de distribution et de télécommunications aux États-Unis, au Canada, en Europe, en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande. L’entreprise est basée à Peachtree City, près d’Atlanta, en Georgie, et emploie plus de 4 000 personnes. Les techniciens de terrain, les ingénieurs professionnels, les scientifiques du bois et les experts en corrosion d’Osmose utilisent leur expertise pour identifier et résoudre les problèmes et permettre ainsi aux infrastructures des services publics d’être plus sécuritaires, plus durables et plus résilientes, tout en réduisant le coût total de possession. Osmose est une société de portefeuille de EQT Infrastructure. Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site

À propos d’Effigis

Effigis Geo-Solutions (Effigis) est un chef de file de l’information géospatiale depuis plus de 30 ans. Elle crée des solutions novatrices pour les organisations dans le monde entier, dont l’efficacité opérationnelle se base sur l’analyse des données géographiques. L’entreprise dessert de nombreux secteurs, notamment les télécommunications, l’énergie, l’aérospatiale, l’exploitation minière, l’exploitation du pétrole et du gaz. Elle s’appuie sur une vaste sélection d’outils de collecte de données géospatiales pour fournir des services allant de l’analyse d’images satellitaires au développement de solutions personnalisées pour la cartographie du territoire, les opérations sur le terrain, la gestion des actifs et la surveillance des réseaux câblés. Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site

À propos de Cansel

Cansel aide ses clients à saisir, transformer et gérer les données pour une meilleure efficacité et rentabilité, du terrain jusqu’à l’achèvement. Depuis plus de 50 ans, Cansel fournit des solutions technologiques de terrain aux professionnels des secteurs de l’arpentage, de la construction, de l’exploitation minière et des services publics. L’entreprise est basée à Burnaby, en C.-B., au Canada. Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site

April 12, 2023

Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. Acquires Effigis

Peachtree City, GA and Montreal, Canada, April 12, 2023 - Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. (“Osmose”), the leading provider of critical inspection, maintenance and restoration services for utility and telecom infrastructure in the U.S., today announced that it has acquired the Geospatial & Asset Management business of Effigis Geo-Solutions, a leader in geospatial information serving major Canadian utilities and telecommunication providers. Effigis has been a division of Cansel, Canada’s largest supplier of geospatial and engineering field equipment which will retain the Earth Observation and Products groups of Effigis.  The combination of Osmose and Effigis creates a complete, data-driven solution set for ensuring the resilience and reliability of critical utility and telecom-owned infrastructure in the Canadian market.

Founded in 1991, Effigis draws from a vast selection of geospatial data collection tools to provide services ranging from land information collection to the development of custom solutions that address land mapping, field operations tracking, asset management and cable network monitoring needs. Coupling Osmose’s data-driven utility asset inspection, structural analysis, and restoration capabilities with the services of Effigis, provides Canadian utility and telecom providers with a new level of support for enhancing infrastructure strength and safety.

Mike Adams, CEO of Osmose commented: “We are thrilled about this combination with Effigis. Their expertise using people and technology to better assess and manage structural assets fits perfectly with our technology-enabled, analytics-driven service approach to utility asset management. Effigis’s leadership shares our commitment to unparalleled service, quality, and safety, and to strengthening the structures that power and connect our communities.”

“We accelerated Osmose’s expansion into Canada in 2020 with the acquisition of 
Provincial Pole Specialists, Inc. (PPSI) and its sister company Central Pole Inspection and Maintenance, Inc. (CPIM) - collectively the largest utility pole maintenance providers in Canada. Effigis’s presence in Quebec, British Columbia, and Ontario as well as other key markets enable us to extend our footprint and scope of services across the country,” Adams added. “With customers including Hydro-Quebec, Bell Canada, Telus, Vidéotron, Fortis and Teck, Effigis maintains a stellar reputation that will further enhance Osmose’s leadership position.”

“We are excited to leverage Osmose’s brand, multi-decade operational experience, services like pole restoration, massive store of industry data, and innovative assessment and analysis tools to deliver the most comprehensive structural asset management solution available to our customers,” said Claude Levasseur, Senior Vice President - Geospatial & Asset Management with Effigis. “Together, we’ll accelerate growth and bolster the structural resiliency and performance of Canada’s utility infrastructure.” 

“With its acquisition of Effigis, Osmose gains unmatched geospatial expertise and asset management competence.  For the Effigis team, Osmose provides a trusted, powerful vehicle for new growth and opportunities. It is truly a great match,” said Martin Trudelle, President of Cansel. “Meanwhile the Earth Observation and Products divisions of Effigis will continue to be a key part of the wider Cansel business.”

Effigis will maintain its Canadian headquarters in Montreal as well as operations in British Columbia and will become a key part of Osmose’s Canadian company.

About Osmose Utilities Services, Inc.

Founded in 1934, Osmose is the market-leading provider of critical inspection, mobile contact voltage testing, maintenance and restoration services for electric transmission, distribution and telecommunications utilities in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Headquartered near Atlanta in Peachtree City, Georgia, the company employs more than 4,000 people. Osmose’s field technicians, professional engineers, wood scientists and corrosion experts utilize their expertise to identify and solve issues to make utility infrastructure safer, longer lasting and more resilient while lowering the total cost of ownership. Osmose is a portfolio company of EQT Infrastructure. Learn more at

About Effigis

Effigis Geo-Solutions (Effigis) has been a leader in geospatial information for more than 30 years. It designs innovative solutions for organizations world-wide, whose operational effectiveness rely on the analysis of geo data. The Company serves numerous industries, including telecommunications, energy, aerospace, mining, oil and gas, engineering, forestry, and precision agriculture. It draws from a vast selection of geospatial data collection tools to provide services ranging from satellite image analysis to the development of custom solutions supporting land mapping, field operations, asset management, and cable network monitoring.  Learn more at

About Cansel

Cansel helps clients capture, transform, and manage data leading to increased field-to-finish efficiency and profitability. For over 50 years, Cansel has provided field technology solutions for industry professionals in the engineering, surveying, construction, mining, utilities, forestry, and government sectors. The company is headquartered in Burnaby, BC, Canada. Learn more at sectors. The company is headquartered in Burnaby, BC, Canada. Learn more at

JUNE 11, 2021

Provincial Pole Specialists is Celebrating 30 Years of Maintaining Crucial Utility Infrastructure that Keeps Canada Powered and Connected

The year 2021 marks the 30th anniversary for Provincial Pole Specialists, Inc. (PPSI). It is a significant milestone few companies achieve. Over the past three decades, PPSI and its Saskatchewan-based division, Central Pole Inspection and Maintenance, Inc. (CPIM), have grown to be collectively the largest utility pole maintenance providers in Canada, securing large multi-year contracts. Together, the two companies help bolster the structural resiliency and performance of Canada’s utility infrastructure. They treat over 250,000 poles each year for central Canada's major energy companies, and provide pole reinforcement and a variety of other distribution line services throughout the country. Understanding that utility companies require a dependable partner that completes challenging projects on-time and under budget has been an important factor in the company's success.

The Beginning

PPSI was founded in March 1991 by Tim Oickle, Steve Christiansen, and Reg McKinnon. Prior to starting their own business, Tim and his three partners worked as Foremen with Osmose for nearly five years in the early 1980s.

“I started on the end of the shovel, then treated poles, and then ran a crew,” says Tim, who is currently the Vice President of Operations, Canadian Division. “As a Foreman, I worked in Canada in the summertime, and then I'd go down to the states during the winter to work.” After Osmose, Tim went to work for a company called “Eastern Tree Service” for two years before forming Provincial Pole.

The Birth of PPSI

The business started in Atlantic Canada with Nova Scotia Power as the first contract. Reflecting on his earliest memories, Tim recalls several years of long hours and hard work.

“I led crews for many years because we weren't big enough to support management at that time. At the start, we only had approximately five crews,” he said. Two of the three partners managed the crews in the early days of PPSI. “We’d supervise crews all day and be managers at night.”

Today, the crew member count has increased to around 150 when busiest, and varies according to the projects they are assigned.

Growth and Transformation

PPSI went from a small/medium-sized company to a large company when they opened the CPIM division in 2014.  The division was immediately successful as it allowed them to break into the Saskatchewan market and amounted to considerable growth.

Together, the two companies were able to open new avenues and subsequently established a long-standing relationship with SaskPower.

“We started out doing 40,000 distribution poles a year for SaskPower. Now, we do approximately 115,000 distribution poles and 5,000 transmission poles annually,” Tim said.

Alberta is considered an oil province. When the oil market declines, the economy can decline and continue for an extended period of time. However, PPSI is fortunate to be working with Manitoba Hydro and SaskPower. Because of the stability of the Manitoba and Saskatchawan economy, any decreases in work in the west can be offset in the prairies.

Creating Long-Lasting Partnerships

Since 1995, Provincial Pole has been based in Manitoba and maintains 20+ year relationships with Manitoba Hydro and Alberta’s private energy companies. One of the most rewarding opportunities utilities gain from working with PPSI is the improvement to their systems.

“We identify pole conditions and promptly and provide restoration when needed. We form relationships with the utility clients and their representatives. We keep a very professional appearance and presence; and try to maintain the same standard of professionalism that they show the public.”

Becoming an Osmose Company

The company has witnessed a lot of growth and transformation over the past 30 years, with one of the most recent being the Osmose acquisition in 2020. With PPSI and CPIM, Osmose expects to extend its digitally-enabled, data-driven asset management offerings to Canadian utilities - from make-ready engineering, steel structure management, and foundation restorations, to storm response, grounding, and padmount transformer inspection. PPSI’s breadth of products and solutions, as well as technical depth and field excellence enables Osmose to serve the Canadian utility marketplace in important, new ways.

“I am very proud of starting something and bringing it to a point where it's attractive to Osmose,” said Tim. “The biggest thing I see is the knowledge and the support that we get from the Osmose team. It is incredible. We're very impressed with their knowledge and expertise.”

Since becoming an Osmose company, PPSI has already begun to see growth with an acceleration in sales and new contracts and has used Osmose’s knowledge to help standards groups better understand assets they regulate.

The Next 30 Years

PPSI continues to evolve and has much more to look forward to. A milestone of 30 years requires a business culture that is employee and customer-centric, a strategic outlook, a willingness to embrace change, and a strong commitment to core values. Tim and the other founders are humbled to have come this far.

“It is gratifying to be celebrating this anniversary,” Tim said. “We’ve had a good run and I've enjoyed it. I've been through all the ups and downs, and have gone from supervisory roles to management to owner. Pole maintenance is in my DNA.”

NOVEMBER 17, 2020

Osmose Utilities Announces Acquisition of Provincial Pole Specialists, Inc.

Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. (Osmose) announced today the acquisition of Provincial Pole Specialists, Inc. (PPSI) and its sister company Central Pole Inspection and Maintenance, Inc. (CPIM).  Manitoba-based PPSI and Saskatchewan-based CPIM are collectively the largest utility pole maintenance providers in Canada.  PPSI and CPIM inspect and treat over 250,000 poles each year for central Canada’s major energy companies, and also provide pole reinforcement and a variety of other distribution line maintenance services throughout the country.  

“PPSI and CPIM are a natural fit with Osmose because we share common core values, a strong dedication to safety and a focus on operational excellence in the delivery of services which support the critical mission of our utility customers” said Cody Phipps, CEO of Osmose. “With PPSI and CPIM added to our team, we expect to extend Osmose’s digitally-enabled, data-driven asset management offerings for Canadian utilities – from pole inspection, pole restoration and foundation restorations to storm response, grounding, and padmount transformer inspection. Together, we’ll help bolster the structural resiliency and performance of Canada’s utility infrastructure.”

“For more than 30 years, PPSI and CPIM have built a reputation for successfully completing challenging and complex projects on-time and within budget.  Osmose has long been the gold standard for quality and innovation in our field.  They bring a powerful breadth of products and solutions as well as technical depth and field excellence that will enable us to serve the Canadian utility marketplace in important, new ways,” said Tim Oickle, President of PPSI and CPIM.

About Osmose Utilities Services

Founded in 1934, Osmose is the market-leading provider of critical inspection, mobile contact voltage testing, maintenance and restoration services for electric transmission, distribution and telecommunications utilities in the United States, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Headquartered near Atlanta in Peachtree City, Georgia, the company employs more than 4,000 people. Osmose’s field technicians, professional engineers, wood scientists and corrosion experts utilize their expertise to identify and solve issues to make utility infrastructure safer, longer-lasting and more resilient while lowering the total cost of ownership. Osmose is a portfolio company of EQT Infrastructure. Learn more at